Carol Harper 


Human Givens practitioner

Our human givens - our emotional needs and innate resources - when understood and met in balance, give a solid foundation for living life to the full. When our systems are put under sufficient stress and strain, when we’re faced with the unexpected and uncertainty, the temporary inability to cope - to get our needs met - may lead to distress and suffering. We are each unique and respond in different ways to life’s challenges.  

Human Givens is brief, solution focused therapy. Its organising ideas are drawn from the latest understandings of neuroscience, psychology, anthropology, sociology and ancient wisdom traditions. It is the first truly bio-psychosocial model of psychotherapy. Its insights help us quickly restore health through effective techniques modelled to the individual.  

We live in a complex and ever-changing world. For most of us, if we view mental well-ness on a continuum, there will be ups and downs but mostly we stay around the midpoint. Our emotions and instincts are important resources: like physical pain, persistent emotional arousal such as anxiety, depression, worry, fear, anger, may indicate that what’s gone wrong may need some help to put right. But there’s nothing wrong with you that what’s right with you won’t help fix. Viewing life from our human givens, we can understand ourselves better, develop resilience and grow in wisdom and maturity. 

Whatever your current difficulty, we can work together to make a difference in the here and now. Expect the unexpected. 

For more information see The Human Givens Institute is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care. 

You can contact me via email or phone, or alternately use the form below to get in touch.

  • Phone: 01364 631 044 
  • Email:

“Having just completed a course of six sessions with Carol I felt compelled to write a brief ‘thank you’. I had been suffering a range of symptoms attributed to some of the traumas I had experienced during my 24 years of regular service in the British Army… ”


“All has been going very well since I last saw you. I have been very clear, calm and happy, and have dealt with any illnesses or stresses without slipping into a difficult state of mind. So, just to say thank you again and hopefully see you not too soon!”


“Things are now so clear in my life. I have direction, aims and goals to achieve and thanks to Carol I will achieve them. I owe my life to that lady. She has made me the person that I should have been a long time ago!”


About Carol 

Carol became a professional Human Givens practitioner in 2007, having trained under founders Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell. She has worked in healthcare since 1988 when she qualified as a McTimoney chiropractor but a developing interest in emotional well-being led eventually to her HG training. She is an accredited Human Givens supervisor, a tutor with Human Givens College and a Just-What-We-Need trainer, delivering courses to various groups. In 2011 Carol gained her MA in Psychotherapy, focussing her research on the Human Givens approach to pain management. 

As well as a private practice Carol works extensively for the charity PTSD Resolution, providing effective trauma treatment for military veterans and their families, and has considerable expertise in this area.  

Her other interests include Restorative Justice, for which she is a facilitator. She holds enhanced DBS clearance.

Get in touch today

Phone: 01364 631 044 or Email: