Get your Trademark approved or pay nothing. We guarantee it.

We're so confident in our service that if your trademark gets rejected, we'll issue a 100% refund.
No questions asked.

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CTA here - Call (843) 212 3188

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— Name

Plans for all levels

We know everyone is starting this fitness journey from different places. Whether you’re an Ironman competitor or haven’t broken a sweat in years, there’s a monthly plan for you at Gains.

Each plan is outfitted with trainers who have years of experience developing movements, building nutrition plans, and perfecting exercises that’ll have you seeing the gains you want.

Cheap online services

Whether you’ve taken a fitness hiatus or are starting for the first time, this plan is built for people who want to ease into the fitness waters. Movements are low-impact and joint-friendly.

  • Daily workouts
  • Monthly check-ins
  • Nutrition plan
  • Mobility and agility training

Traditional Law Firms

Exercise regularly but looking for something more challenging? These workouts are going to get your heart rate up, your blood pumpin’, and your sweat dripping. You’ll see gains in muscle and endurance.

  • Daily workouts
  • Monthly check-ins
  • Nutrition plan
  • Mobility and agility training

Henderson & Henderson

These workouts are no joke. This plan is fit for advanced or elite athletes who want to stay at the top of their game with gains in endurance, strength, mobility, and agility—all from the comfort of home.

  • Daily workouts
  • Monthly check-ins
  • Nutrition plan
  • Mobility and agility training
Sign me up

Plans for all levels

We know everyone is starting this fitness journey from different places. Whether you’re an Ironman competitor or haven’t broken a sweat in years, there’s a monthly plan for you at Gains.

Each plan is outfitted with trainers who have years of experience developing movements, building nutrition plans, and perfecting exercises that’ll have you seeing the gains you want.

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Cheap Online Services

Traditional Law Firms

Henderson & Henderson

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Our attorneys handle every step of the trademark process, from start to finish.



This is not a templated approach. We know every single buisness and client is unique. We’ll work with you to explore, research and understand your business.


Opportunity & Research

Your competitors may be doing the same thing, but we’ll help you navigate the world of opportunity. There’s always room to improve and innovate.


Plan, Create, & Execute

Through an agile approach, we’ll create a roadmap to completion, create and execute. This is where your product will really come to life.



Learnings, usage and analytics will tell us how to best optimize to continuously reach your customers and maximize your growth potential. 


Tracking, Reporting, & Growing

Your business is an ever-evolving thing. Through tracking and reporting, we’ll continuously be your partner to make sure you continue to grow.

Sign Up


No matter where you're located, we can help you.

From coast to coast, we’ve helped entrepreneurs, startups, and corporations protect their valuable intellectual property assets. Securing over 2,000 patents and trademarks for our clients.



Why Trademark Your Brand?



That's right. Each of our contractors has been certified for over 10 years.



We love what we do and it shows in our work, and on the faces of our employees.



It's your dream, we're here to help you make it. No egos included.



We work hard to reach 100% satisfaction, and won't stop until we do.

Plans for all levels

We know everyone is starting this fitness journey from different places. Whether you’re an Ironman competitor or haven’t broken a sweat in years, there’s a monthly plan for you at Gains.

Each plan is outfitted with trainers who have years of experience developing movements, building nutrition plans, and perfecting exercises that’ll have you seeing the gains you want.

Cheap online services

Whether you’ve taken a fitness hiatus or are starting for the first time, this plan is built for people who want to ease into the fitness waters. Movements are low-impact and joint-friendly.

  • Daily workouts
  • Monthly check-ins
  • Nutrition plan
  • Mobility and agility training


Traditional Law Firms

Exercise regularly but looking for something more challenging? These workouts are going to get your heart rate up, your blood pumpin’, and your sweat dripping. You’ll see gains in muscle and endurance.

  • Daily workouts
  • Monthly check-ins
  • Nutrition plan
  • Mobility and agility training


Henderson & Henderson

These workouts are no joke. This plan is fit for advanced or elite athletes who want to stay at the top of their game with gains in endurance, strength, mobility, and agility—all from the comfort of home.

  • Daily workouts
  • Monthly check-ins
  • Nutrition plan
  • Mobility and agility training


Pace Setter

Exercise regularly but looking for something more challenging? These workouts are going to get your heart rate up, your blood pumpin’, and your sweat dripping. You’ll see gains in muscle and endurance.

  • Daily workouts
  • Monthly check-ins
  • Nutrition plan
  • Mobility and agility training



We've got A's for your Q's

How much does it cost?

If you choose to go Pro, your payment of $20 gets you the app download and lifetime access to the community plus a 1:1 onboarding session with a trainer. You may have the opportunity to upgrade as we release new versions of the app, but you don't have to pay anything more if you don't want to.  

How do I know it's for me?

Do you love to ride your bike? Then it's for you. We've seen members start off riding as little as 5 miles per week and work their way up to 50-mile day trips within a few months.  

Does it matter if I'm new to cycling?

Nope! If you're just getting started, we think this is the best way to start logging more miles safely and comfortably. You'll learn a ton about cycling best practices, terminology, and even repairs in our forums.

How much do I have to participate?

It's totally up to you. We think you'll have more fun if you complete your profile and contribute to the forums, but you can also use the platform as a more straightforward fitness app if you'd like.  

When can I get started?

Right away! As of May 2017, the app is out of beta and our community is growing by dozens of members each week. In fact, we'd recommend joining as soon as possible—we won't be able to maintain the low introductory price forever.  

Does my location matter?

Anyone can use the app and join the community. That said, the Find My Ride feature is currently available only for Canada and the U.S. We hope to expand to other countries soon.  


Find your power faster. Become a member.

A monthly membership may be exactly what you need to take control of your life.

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